Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tank Repair Shop Update

My Latest UDK project is coming along quite nicely, and I have included some more screenshots.
Still working on importing all of the meshes, and need to refine some of the textures, but as stated, I am very happy with how it looks so far!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tank Repair Shop

Couple of screenshots from my latest Unreal project.

It is a Tank Repair Shop based off an acrylic concept painting I did.
I modeled all of the meshes and am just importing them into unreal as ascii files.
The lighting is temporary, as I am going to setup more stylized lighting over the tank.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Concept Sketches

Have been working over in the Daily Sketch forums at CGsociety, and recently there has been a run on of "Flash Gordon" themed work. Had a blast with these and wanted to share them. They are concepts for Princess Aura, Ming the Merciless, and Prince Barin, all done in Photoshop with a Wacom.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Couple of New DSF (Daily Sketch Forum) Pieces

Went to sleep super early last night, and so when I woke up at 530 AM i figured i would be productive.
Both of these peices were done in photoshop in about 30 minutes.

Killer Blues

Flash in the Night

Have a whole new set of bleach paintings i am working on, come back soon!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Another New Low Poly Piece

Just finished a set of crates that are low poly using only one diffuse texture sheet that is 512 x 512, pretty happy with this project, as it only took me a total of 2 hours or so in total creation time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New 3D Piece/web page!

I was looking over my portfolio and i realized that if i want to get a position as a 3D artist, i might need to put a couple more mesh pieces on my website. So i took a couple hours this afternoon and knocked out a low poly oil drum!

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Road Home

An hour long Wacom sketch I just finished for a CGsociety DSF piece.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the DSF  (Daily Sketch Forum), it is a part of that gives you a idea, and a time limit (generally, sometimes there is no time limit) and has you post the work you complete at the end of the time.

I have been trying to do these at least once in a while, as i find that it helps me push my speed & skill all at once, with ideas that I might not think of.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Woot!! Got my some of my Digital Art into Cgsociety!

Happy Happy Day! My Piece "Smaug Awakes" was accepted as my first 2D Cgsociety Art Submission.... So happy!

Apparently when it was originally declined it was owing to the fact that i did not know to not submit more then one piece at a time, so happy.

You can follow the link below if you want to see the official posting!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blog and Webstie Issues Fixed

Just finished fixing a couple issues with the website and the blog, and would like to say thank you to Sean for being thorough enough to catch them!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tasting Defeat.. does not taste tasty ...

Sitting here dealing with my first "setback" in my goals recently.. all the art i had submitted to CGsociety in an attempt to get posted in their 2d art section was rejected, and in some cases denoted as "incomplete" art.

Wow, i mean some of the other art i have seen on the site that gets though is worse then the ones i submitted. I had also submitted the piece from my last post, which to say i was very excited about.

In all fairness they do have some great art on the site, and i had hoped to join the ranks, but it looks like i will need to regroup and try again, as though i am down, i am not out.

"...They let Sarah Jessica Parker's face on TV and she looks like a foot!"  -Peter Griffin

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Smaug Awakes

New Digital Painting!! I started this as a 30 minute Wacom painting for a daily sketch, and this is the final result! The topic was the Hobbit, and my favorite character in the hobbit, and one of my favorite "monsters" has always been Smaug, so what to paint was easy.

Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Website up and running!!!

I am excited, with a lot of work and banging my head against digital walls, my website is up and running!

 Feel free to take a look at !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Older Cafe Met Art Show Pieces

These are some digital photos edits i did for a older show at Cafe Met about 9 months or more ago. All of the pictures were taken by yours truly as he spaced out at his old job watching planes land at Boeing Field. These are only a part of the set,  I will post the rest later.  =D

Monday, October 18, 2010

New Digital Images

Couple of images I am working on for my website and wanted to share. Enjoy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Most Recent Art Show

These are some of the acrylic paintings from my last show at Cafe Met on the hill, which sadly might be the last one i get to hold there as it appears another bar has leveraged out the great bar that is Cafe Met.

These were a departure from my normal Oil painting, and i ahve to say i found it enjoyable, not waiting 3 weeks for paint to dry is a plus.  =D

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Couple of digital pieces, thought i would like to share  =)

Some Digital Artwork

These are done in photoshop, mostly as speedpaintings. meaning that they were done within a set time limit. I used April's Wacom tablet on these... awesome....  =D

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bleach Paintings

One of the mediums that i have found to be very enjoyable, is bleach on black paper (or colored paper of any sort, other then white). You can dilute the bleach with  water to get varying shades of bleaching effect on the paper. One of the tricks i have found in doing this is that the paper has to be laying on a flat surface for the bleach to effectively soak into the paper. Enjoy!

First Dyer Art Blog Post

Hello and welcome to my blog! For my first post I am going to rehash some old art that I would like to share!

The majority of these are oil paints, with some acrylics and spry paint mixed in.