Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tasting Defeat.. does not taste tasty ...

Sitting here dealing with my first "setback" in my goals recently.. all the art i had submitted to CGsociety in an attempt to get posted in their 2d art section was rejected, and in some cases denoted as "incomplete" art.

Wow, i mean some of the other art i have seen on the site that gets though is worse then the ones i submitted. I had also submitted the piece from my last post, which to say i was very excited about.

In all fairness they do have some great art on the site, and i had hoped to join the ranks, but it looks like i will need to regroup and try again, as though i am down, i am not out.

"...They let Sarah Jessica Parker's face on TV and she looks like a foot!"  -Peter Griffin

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Smaug Awakes

New Digital Painting!! I started this as a 30 minute Wacom painting for a daily sketch, and this is the final result! The topic was the Hobbit, and my favorite character in the hobbit, and one of my favorite "monsters" has always been Smaug, so what to paint was easy.

Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Website up and running!!!

I am excited, with a lot of work and banging my head against digital walls, my website is up and running!

 Feel free to take a look at !

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Older Cafe Met Art Show Pieces

These are some digital photos edits i did for a older show at Cafe Met about 9 months or more ago. All of the pictures were taken by yours truly as he spaced out at his old job watching planes land at Boeing Field. These are only a part of the set,  I will post the rest later.  =D

Monday, October 18, 2010

New Digital Images

Couple of images I am working on for my website and wanted to share. Enjoy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Most Recent Art Show

These are some of the acrylic paintings from my last show at Cafe Met on the hill, which sadly might be the last one i get to hold there as it appears another bar has leveraged out the great bar that is Cafe Met.

These were a departure from my normal Oil painting, and i ahve to say i found it enjoyable, not waiting 3 weeks for paint to dry is a plus.  =D

Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Couple of digital pieces, thought i would like to share  =)

Some Digital Artwork

These are done in photoshop, mostly as speedpaintings. meaning that they were done within a set time limit. I used April's Wacom tablet on these... awesome....  =D