Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tank Repair Shop Update

My Latest UDK project is coming along quite nicely, and I have included some more screenshots.
Still working on importing all of the meshes, and need to refine some of the textures, but as stated, I am very happy with how it looks so far!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tank Repair Shop

Couple of screenshots from my latest Unreal project.

It is a Tank Repair Shop based off an acrylic concept painting I did.
I modeled all of the meshes and am just importing them into unreal as ascii files.
The lighting is temporary, as I am going to setup more stylized lighting over the tank.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Concept Sketches

Have been working over in the Daily Sketch forums at CGsociety, and recently there has been a run on of "Flash Gordon" themed work. Had a blast with these and wanted to share them. They are concepts for Princess Aura, Ming the Merciless, and Prince Barin, all done in Photoshop with a Wacom.
