Friday, December 9, 2011

Been Too Long

I was sitting around working on some paintings, when I realized it has been a long, long time since I updated my blog! So here it is!

Let's catch up a bit. What Have I been up too? Well, I recently completed my first video game contract gig! Yay, woot etc!! The project was working on the Wii port for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, and since have been playing the Xbox version of the game, which might explain a lot of the time lapse in my blogging. One last note on the game, thank you everyone at FXVILLE, especially you Joe for taking a chance on hiring me! The time spent and the people met were all incredible!

Beyond the game and video game work, I have been using my unemployed time to paint a lot in between looking for work. I am not just constraining it to traditional painting, as I have been working on digital painting as well. It is interesting how working on a video game, and dissecting 3d art has really positively effected my traditional art skills. I have begun looking at both my digital and oil paintings in a whole new light.

Speaking of oil paintings, I have found a new fascination in the works of Frank Frazetta. I have known of Frazetta for years, but his work just never grabbed my attention the way it recently has. I have started working towards doing several pieces that emulate his style. Thus far, nothing quiet amazing as his work as materialized, but he did take many years developing his work, and I hope to produce some high quality work down the line.

Keep your eye out for some images from the latest works!!
Now back to the easel to do some painting while listening/watching Bender get funky on Futurama!


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